Tuesday 23 July 2013

Freedom or Security?

Freedom or Security? Which one would you choose?

For some, the answer may be obvious, but for others not at all so.

I myself belong to the first group but I can certainly understand the dilemma as well.

Often one hears that keeping someone safe justifies keeping that same person locked up. And by locked up I don't mean a prison cell with the bread and water-diet, but fairly, or even very comfortable lodgings, some company, someone to talk to, and the feeling that you are being cared for. The only thing is, that when you ask to go - or to be let  - out, you are denied. Flat out. No negotiations, end of story. Forever, or that is what it seems like, and you'll never be quite sure about that.
So what would you choose? For yourself, or for another.

Ok ok, so you haven't yet thought about what the life would be on the 'other side'. It might be fraught with danger, hunger, maybe, or even pain and untimely death! Certainly life in freedom is uncertain. One is in charge of oneself, perhaps with no one to take care of you.

What will you do? You get depressed, desperate, and suffer a long life alone, in misery and pain?

When you could be living a life of luxury, comfort and satisfaction.(!)

Sounds like you'd be crazy not to make the obvious choice.

'cause that's the only thing you'd have to hand in. Your choice. Your freedom of choice. The choice about your life's decisions.That doesn't sound so bad, does it?

Only some don't get given the choice to choose to loose that freedom. There are plenty of persons, who are never asked. The choice is done for them. Often by well meaning others.

Is it ok for those other to be allowed to make that decision? Why is it? Is it ok, when the one to be detained is sick and in need for constant medication? Is it ok to lock another person up when they are blind and risk getting run over by a car? How about all the bad people out there, who might hurt another, would we not just be protecting someone from potential harm?

I think parents go through some of the same feelings with their offspring. Or relatives with an ailing grandpa. Is it sometimes justified to take someone's freedom of choice from them? Which cases are these?

I live with three persons some of whom I think might be quite happy living inside four walls, being entertained properly, fed well and have some one to cuddle next to.

I however, am of the complete opposite type. Freedom for me is perhaps the ultimate, most important thing in my whole existence. I would take any miserable life - and hey, the life isn't always that great as it is - rather than not have a say about it at all.

I could never chain that ball on to anyone's foot. Or hoof. Or paw. Some might be ok with it, but since I'm not able to tell for sure, it will never be an option for me.

And, to be honest, even if some one wanted to, I still wouldn't. So sorry once again, my small friends, for forcing the freedom on you and locking you out for the day. It's summer for god's sake! ;)

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